+1 715-232-1278
Menomonie, WI, USA
Dr. Caramancion is an internationally acclaimed author and public speaker on information disorder research. He currently holds a tenure-track Assistant Professorship appointment at the University of Wisconsin–Stout.
Prior to his academic roles, he started as a researcher and data analyst for IBM. He then pursued teaching in higher education and funded research projects for his graduate studies. He also holds technical and academic certifications from Microsoft, IBM, Cisco Systems, SAP, and Oracle, among other industry standards.
Dr. Caramancion prides himself on being a Senior Member of IEEE and a Professional Member of ACM, ASIS&T, and NCFFD.

Fake news, misinformation, disinformation
I explore eclectic domains that intersect with fake news including but not limited to technology, psychology, communication, and politics
2019 - 2022
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Information Science
Polarization and conflicts in social networks
I seek to understand the theories, forms, and factors surrounding social network conflicts including but not limited to cyber-insurgency, digital crimes and terrorism, and virtual warfare
Information assurance and quality
I aim to solve societal problems by applying technological models and solutions such as fair machine learning and open data initiatives
2015 - 2017
*Master of Science (MSc) in Information Technology
2009 - 2013
*Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Information Technology
Click here to view degree certificate
*=With Honors and Distinction